What's What

Thursday, January 30, 2014

CAPTION THIS: When Francis Met François

François: "Oh, Your Holiness! La Presidency, she is not all she is cracked up to be!"
Francis: "You're one to complain! At least when people call you a socialist, it's true!" (Full story here. Picture c/o: AFP)
Mille fois merci for all of your submissions to our last caption contest! This one was a tough call, but in the end, Wyatt bribed his way to victory took home the gold:
"Joey, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship."
By now, you all should know the drill. Leave your humorous entries in the comments below! (But please, watch your French.)


  1. Pope Francis: "This is my ONE chance to peel off the nice guy image, isn't it?"

  2. Pope Francis: "Confessions François? Ain't nobody got time for that"!

  3. "Francois, you must learn of Christ. True youth and innocence comes from the Gospel, not from changing up for a newer model when the old one gets wrinkles."

  4. Could you pray for me? My approval ratings are almost as low as Obama's.

  5. "In other news. France is granted the title 'The eldest apostate of the Church' due to her liberal laws."

  6. Actually, Jesus would agree with my vision of social justice.

  7. Hollande: "My mistress says 'hi.'"

    Pope Francis: "Just shut up and smile."

  8. Hollande: Je suis Marxiste, tendance Groucho.

  9. Lmao, that last one re: Groucho!!
    It would be better coming from Francis! It seems like it's a little late for Hollande to start being all pragmatic and stuff.
