What's What

Monday, May 26, 2014

CAPTION THIS: When Pope Met Patriarch

Bartholomew: "Your Holiness, you have a spot on your cassock!"
Francis: "Why thank you, Your All Holiness. Do you happen to have any hyssop with which you can purge me?"
(Full coverage here and here. Picture c/o: Ecumenical Patriarchate)
Thank you to everyone who submitted to our last caption contest! As always, we appreciate all of your efforts and what-not, but only one of you can win, to the eternal shame of the rest of you. AND THE GRAND PRIZE (of nothing) GOES TO...

Friday, May 23, 2014

That All May Be Saved!

Praised Be Jesus!

I hope all of you are well and that you are all enjoying this joyous Easter season. I'm back!!! After a little hiatus, I'm back! And it's my favorite month of the year, May, the Month of Our Blessed Lady! There's something about May which brings me right back to my time in Catholic elementary and high school. May was always filled with May Mary Altars, and May crownings, and processions, These outward signs of devotion have greatly shaped my devotional life in faith. We also celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima during this month, a feast that has special meaning for me and my life.

Monday, May 12, 2014

CAPTION THIS: When Pope Met Prance

"'Become the first Latin American Pope,' they said... 'You can teach the young people the Argentine tango,' they said..." (Picture c/o: AP)
Thank you all for contributing to our last caption contest! We had some brilliant submissions, but there can be only one...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Baptism By Fire: The Unwilling Godparent's Dilemma

But he has to, Don! He's not Catholic!
Recently, a good friend of mine contacted me because he is facing a particularly awkward family situation. My friend was born into a Catholic family, but he is not religious himself. His brother asked him to be the godfather to his newborn niece, and he is incredibly uncomfortable being placed into such a situation. The first half of this post is our exchange on the matter, with only minor edits for clarity. For the sake of confidence, I have changed my friend's name to Tim and his niece's to Lily. Tim's words are in italics: