What's What

Monday, September 29, 2014

Getting to the Heart of Christ's Perfect Love


Fun fact! The Holy Shroud of Turin (the burial cloth in which Jesus’ body was allegedly wrapped) and all of the approved Eucharistic miracles (namely in which the Host observably became human heart tissue) have been tested, and the blood is always type AB. Based on the information at hand, it is logical to say that Jesus Christ’s blood type is AB.

Recently, I was thinking about this while sitting in front of Jesus in the Tabernacle with a gigantic, golden statue of Him crucified above. I was looking at the image of Him pouring out His Blood for the sins of many, and I prayed to Him in the Blessed Sacrament, “I have to admit… You look like You would’ve had type O blood. You look like the universal donor.” However, I could feel it in my soul that it’s no accident that Jesus Christ had type AB blood. God’s designs are deep, profound, perfect, beautiful; this would be no different. 

So, I thought and prayed about it — what I know about God, what I know about blood donation — and I even did some research. Here, I humbly (and excitedly) present my theory:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

CAPTION THIS: When Bishops Met Bank

Bishop #1: "So, when is Francis supposed to pass by again?"
Bishop #2: "Dude, for the last time. I don't know. I'm just here to use the ATM, and you're blocking it."
(Full story here. Picture c/o: Vatican Radio English)
It's officially autumn here in the States, and what better way to celebrate than with a brand-new caption contest?! ("How about going pumpkin-picking?") I didn't ask you, disembodied voice.

Anyhoodles, the winner of our last caption contest is...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Drunken Book Club Presents: Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, by Christopher Moore

Welcome to another episode of Drunken Book Club!

I’m your host, Anna, Queen of the Ox People and Head of the Dragonslayers Northern Guild. This episode features:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

An Open Letter to PBS

Dear PBS:

You recently showed a special on your channel called After Tiller. It was a delightful view into the lives of late-term abortionists, people who perform abortion procedures on viable fetuses. Many bloggers and Internet personalities weighed in on the various moral implications of late-term abortion, mostly focused on whether it's really good to be able to kill persons who could otherwise live on their own. But you managed to dodge that argument spectacularly, by focusing on the abortion of disabled fetuses, framed as merciful and compassionate. You wouldn't want those fetuses to live painful, possible lesser lives compared to their able-bodied counterparts, would you?

Oh, no! It's a human who isn't perfect! KILL IT WITH FIRE!