Monday, May 26, 2014

CAPTION THIS: When Pope Met Patriarch

Bartholomew: "Your Holiness, you have a spot on your cassock!"
Francis: "Why thank you, Your All Holiness. Do you happen to have any hyssop with which you can purge me?"
(Full coverage here and here. Picture c/o: Ecumenical Patriarchate)
Thank you to everyone who submitted to our last caption contest! As always, we appreciate all of your efforts and what-not, but only one of you can win, to the eternal shame of the rest of you. AND THE GRAND PRIZE (of nothing) GOES TO...

...Tommy (Tsunami), for this:
"Ladies, of course you'll never be ordained, if you can't even do the orans correctly! BEND THE ARMS."
And in addition, we must give credit where it is due to Matthew Ogden:
Pope Francis: "And they wonder why I speak so much about the devil."
Excellent, even you non-winning people! You tried! How nice! If you want to try your hand at this contest, leave your captions in the comments below! (And Happy Memorial Day to our American readers!)


  1. "So your telling me that Roman Catholics are the Original Christians. That's new"

    -Patriarch to the Pope

  2. My flock is bigger than your flock!

  3. Bartholomew: If you're not happy with that Renault, have we got a deal for you!

  4. "Would you like to recite the Creed with me, Bart?" - P.F.

  5. "Did I get all the food out of my beard?" - Patriarch to the Pope
